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  1. What is the average weight gain on a Western Diet (Meat & Dairy Diet)? The answer is 5 lbs per year. That may not sound like a lot. But think about it, in 5 years, the average weight gain would be 25 lbs and 50 lbs in 10 years, so on and so forth. It certainly adds up.

  2. Are physicians educated in nutrition? Most doctors are not trained in nutrition. And shame on the education system for not setting up programs to teach doctors about the healthy and unhealthy aspects of nutrition. Doctors are left to their own devices to learn about food, and most, quite frankly do not self-educate. If they do, they educate themselves on how to justify their own eating practices, then pass it on to their patients. Agribusiness and the process food industry are funding schools to encourage not educating doctors on nutrition. Many never took even one course in nutrition. Supporting information found here:

  3. Why don't doctors equally focus on prevention and treatment rather than mostly treatment? Quite frankly, doctors and hospitals do not get paid on prevention, they get paid on treatment. Much of the money donated for cancer research goes toward buying equipment and erecting/remodeling buildings to treat more patients, rather than building a prevention wing and teach people how to eat to live. They claim that erecting a building is so they have a place to do more research. They take advantages of loop holes in the donation laws. Turn on the TV, especially during the day, and you will see tons of drug commercials, process food commercials, and meat and dairy commercials. "Here, eat salt, sugar, and fat, and don't worry, we have a magic pill to mask the damage caused by salt, sugar, and fat; and oh, don't worry, we have a pill to reduce certain side effects from the other pill you're taking. And did I tell you the drugs cost a lot, so make sure you have good insurance."  The more insurance used, the higher insurance is for the collective. Insurance companies will find ways to recoup their costs, don't you worry. So, we, the people, need to focus on prevention! and and .

  4. How can I find a plant based doctor? and

  5. How can I find Veg friendly restaurants?

  6. Why is oil so bad?  1 tablespoon of any kind of oil contains 13.5 grams of fat. All oil is high in saturated fat. However, coconut oil is the worst, containing 90% saturated fat. You would have to eat 11 cans of black beans to get 13.5 grams of fat, which still has NO saturated fat. Restaurants use an average of 3 tablespoons of oil to cook one meal. Oil causes one's liver to over produce cholesterol, with the exception of olive oil per a study mentioned by Dr. Michael Greger. Oil causes weight gain. Saturated fat is bad for your arteries and heart, which includes olive oil. Oil impairs endothelial function. Endothelial cells line the interior surface of blood vessels, facilitating proper blood circulation. If you damage the Endothelia cells, you damage the lining of your vessels, which in turn restricts blood flow. Oil is bad no matter what you've heard or read. There is no such thing as healthy fat when talking about oil, so avoid oil as much as possible.

  7. I have high cholesterol, what should I do?  See a doctor for treatment options. Those with high cholesterol are subject to a heart attack, stroke, or clot.  Also, visit Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. website for medical FAQs and other information.

  8. I had a heart attack, how can I prevent surgery? See a doctor for treatment options. If you're interested in diet to greatly reduce your chances of another heart attack, I encourage you to see Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. M.D. at the Cleveland Clinic. He offers phone consultations. Also, use the find a doctor sites above, to find a plant based doctor in your area. 

  9. I had a stroke, how can I prevent another? See a doctor for treatment options. If you're interested in the diet to greatly reduce your chances of another stroke, I encourage you to see Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. M.D. at the Cleveland Clinic. He offers phone consultations. Also, use the find a doctor sites above, to find a plant based doctor in your area. 

  10. Are there any plant based resources for health conditions?

  11. I have been diagnosed with cancer. What should I do? 1. See a doctor for treatment options. 2. See a plant based doctor for a second opinion, which likely means you'd have to go out of state to find one. I found two, but there could be more. Oncologists Dr. Robert Bruce Ellis, M.D. in Kelso, Washington, and  Dr. Ernie Bodai, MD in Sacramento, CA. It is possible they'd do an initial phone consultation after reviewing your test results. Consider going to the Barnard Medical Center in Washington D.C. .  Dr. Barnard may have staff Oncologists.  3. Read the China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell of Cornell University, which is a 20 yr study on mortality rates from cancer and other chronic diseases from in 65 counties in China called the China–Cornell–Oxford Project. It was the largest human study ever performed on a diet related illnesses.  

  12. I have Type II Diabetes, what are my options? 1. See a doctor for treatment options. 2. Read Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes. 3. Consider going to the Barnard Medical Center in Washington D.C. .  Even those with Type I Diabetes can benefit from Dr. Neal Barnard's program.

  13. What foods should I limit or omit if trying to lose weight?


Avocados (1/4 an avocado only a few times per week)

Tofu (1/2 cup or about 1/2 a block only a few times per week)

Sugar (use maples syrup sparingly)

Nuts (except walnuts and only eat 1 handful per day)

Seeds (1 tablespoon of oatmeal or cereal per day if you didn't have walnuts)

Limit restaurant eating as much as possible - you never know what's really in the food or where it comes from (some countries have fewer regulations around food than the US does)

Alcohol - it increases Cortisol which causes the body to retain weight; don't drink your calories (At worst, drink 1 day per week and during special occasions)

Liquid food - don't drink your calories, rather chew your calories - believe me drinking food adds up, because you will still eat solid food on top of it


Processed food (food in a box or package by companies like Kraft, General Mills, Kellogg, Dole, Coca Cola, etc. (Engine 2 & Dr. McDougall products are acceptable)

Refined food (white food)

Oil of all kinds - 1 tbsp of any oil equals 14 grams of fat

Food which contains moderate to high amounts of oil (if it has small amounts of oil, then limit it)

Animal products of all kind of course

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